What other Nature related groups are there in the Trafford area?

We have partnered with (or our members have partnered) with the following:
Altrincham and District Natural History Society (AltNats) http://altnats.org.uk 
City of Trees (CoT) https://www.cityoftrees.org.uk
Friends of Bowdon Bollin (FoBB) http://www.f-o-b-b.co.uk/
Friends of Bridgewater Canal (FoBC) https://friendsofbridgewatercanal.org.uk/
Friends of Carrington Moss (FoCM) and Ecology Subgroup https://friendsofcarringtonmoss.com/
Mersey Rivers Trust https://www.merseyrivers.org/
National Trust Dunham Massey https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/dunham-massey
South Manchester Conservation Volunteers (SMCV) https://smcv.org/
Save Flixton Green Belt http://www.saveflixtongreenbelt.org/
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) https://www.tcv.org.uk/

What minimum age limits apply to volunteers on TW tasks?

This depends on the time of year, the nature of the task and the site.  As a general rule the minimum age is 16 and everyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  Most tasks involve getting wet & muddy. There may be TW tasks where under 16's may be able join.  For a specific event please email a question through the 'Join Us' page.

I'd like to make a financial donation to Trafford Wildlife to support the group's work on behalf of local wildlife. How do I do this?

Please contact us through the 'Join us' page and we will provide our account details.  Regular donations enable us to better plan our expenditure but one off donations are just as welcome.

What is the position on volunteer accident reporting?

Volunteers: Your health and safety:
Volunteering: Guidance for employers:
Accident Record Form from:
The next available Report No. is available from the Secretary at traffordwildlife@gmail.com.

How can I get to tasks by public transport?

The northern reserves along Sinderland Lane are currently (Mar 2025) served by the 247 bus from Altrincham Interchange as far as the Whitehouse Lane turn off from Sinderland Lane.  The southern reserves near Dunham Massey are served by the 280 bus starting from Altrincham Interchange.  Birch Moss Covert is also served by the 5, 247 & 255  buses but is a longer walk down Isherwood Road/Birch Road.  Firs Wood is served by the 249 bus.

For Birch Moss covert alight from 247 just to the east of Birch Road. From the north alight from 5/247/255 at Ackers Lane, walk down Ackers Lane, through to Isherwood Road and down past the Man United training ground to Birch Moss Covert.
For Brookheyes/Hogswood alight from 247 by Dark Lane opposite Whitehouse Lane. Walk north along Dark Lane and turn right over a style into Brookheyes then onto Hogswood.
For Sinderland Green alight from 247 just after Sinderland Chapel & walk back to Sinderland Road junction walking north up Sinderland Road track to Sinderland Green covert.
Henshall Lane -  is a challenge!
For Dunham Massey car park alight from 280 by Dunham Massey entrance by car park.
For Firs Wood alight from 249 at the Brigadier Public House

For John of Jerusalem woodland in Bowdon take the 287 service alight at the Bow lane Oakwood Lane junction.

For Tatton Estate take the train to Ashley and walk/cycle via the Lamb Lane entrance