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Habitat Sites
Numbers Counter
Trafford Wildlife
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Habitat Sites
Numbers Counter
Birch Moss Covert SBI
Black Moss SBI
Bow Green Ponds
Bow Green Woods
Brick Kiln SBI
Brookheyes SSSI
Dairy House
Dunham park
Firs Wood
Hedge laying
Henshall Lane
Hogswood SBI
Seamons Moss
Sinderland Green SBI
Stamford Community Woodland
Stamford Farm
Tatton Estate
White Oak SBI
Yew Tree Farm
Ditch in Birch Moss
Scrapes in Birch Moss
Heather regeneration in Birch Moss
Heather regeneration in Birch Moss
Sphagnum Moss in Birch Moss
Grass chewed by water vole in Birch Moss.
Birch Moss: Grass chewed by water vole maybe?
Birch Moss: Fox droppings?
Heather after weeding
Bracken before stomping
Bracken after stomping
Heather - calluna vulgaris
Heather - calluna vulgaris
Giant Puffball
Peacock caterpillars
Balsam near ditch after bash.
Balsam 2022 near ditch before bashing
New heather after bracken weeding
Hoofprint in ditch, possibly roe deer.
Vole feeding site
Vole feeding cuttings
Large flowered hemp nettle
Blue sedge grass
New path west of ditch.
Grass at south end of ditch
Ditch weed
Heather planted a month earlier, growing well.
Sphagnum moss in one of the scrapes
Open area near path with birch being removed.
Open area
Birch Moss Covert corduroy road
Birch Moss Covert balsam
Birch Moss Covert old fencing
Birch Moss Covert heather area before aftercare
Birch Moss Covert heather area expansion
Birch Moss Covert birch scrub
Birch Moss willow tit habitat
Birch Moss Covert new heathers
Birch Moss Covert ditch
Birch Moss Covert ditch
Birch Moss Covert ditch clearing in progress
Birch Moss Covert ditch clearing in progress
Birch Moss Covert ditch clearing in progress
Birch Moss Covert ditch orange water
Birch Moss Covert birch thinning
Birch Moss Covert ditch work in progress
Birch Moss Covert mole feeding
Birch Moss Covert heather aftercare
Birch Moss Covert
Turkey Tail fungus
Black Moss old fencing removal
Pond 1
Pond 2
Pond 3
Pond 3
Pond 3
Pond 3
Pond 4
Pond 5
Pond 6
Pond 7
Pond 8
Pond 9
Bow Green John o Jerusalem main pond
Bow Green John o Jerusalem main pond barley bales
Bow Green John o Jerusalem pond
JoJ Test area 1 08.03.24
JoJ Test area plants 1 08.03.24
JoJ test area 1 12.04.24
JoJ Test area 2 08.03.24
JoJ Test area plants 2 08.03.24
JoJ test area 2 12.04.24
JoJ test area 2 near 12.04.24
JoJ Test area 3 08.03.24
JoJ test area 3 12.04.24
JoJ Test area plants 3 09.03.24
JoJ Test area 4 08.03.24
JoJ Test area plants 4 09.03.24
JoJ test area 4 12.04.24
JoJ JKW 12.04.24
JoJ stream 12.04.24
Bow Green Farm john o Jerusalem balsam
Bow Green Farm Johm o Jerusalem pheasant cage area
Bow Green Farm Johm o Jerusalem pheasant cage rubbish
Bow Green Farm Johm o Jerusalem rhodie removal
Bow Green Farm Johm o Jerusalem rhodie removal
Bow Green Farm Johm o Jerusalem rhodie removal
Brick Kiln rhodie removal
Brookheyes pond
Water violets
Wood sorrel
Brookheyes rubbish
Brookheyes rubbish
Dairy House tree guards
Dunham park Tree guard removal
Dunham Park iris removal
Dunham Park iris removal
Dunham Park tree stockade removal
Firs Way litterpick
Firs Wood rhodie removal
Little Bollington hedge before laying
Little Bollington hedge layered
Little Bollington hedge layered
Hedge layered near Old No.3 Jymm Road
Little Bollington laid hedge
White plume moth
Dock digging
Tree guard maintenance
Dug docks
Henshall planting
Henshall tee guard changing
Henshall tree guard upgrade
Henshall treeguard upgrade
Henshall pond
Chicken of the woods
King Alfred's Cakes fungus
Himalayan balsam seed
Himalayan balsam seed exploding
Balsam - before bashing
Seamons Moss litterpick
Seamons Moss manhole
Seamons Moss manhole covered
Monkeys Ear fungus
Dead Mans Finger
Drayd's Saddle
Dryad's Saddle
Blackfoot Polypore?
Blackfoot Polypore?
Water violet
Marsh Orchid
Wateer violet pond
Black Poplar Phoenix tree
Sinderland Green North balsam
Sinderland Green bamboo
Sinderland Green garlic
Sinderland Green pond
Sinderland Green east balsam
Sinderland Green pond
Sinderland Green bamboo removal
Stamford Community woods
Stamford Community Woodland stake removal
Stamford Community woodland alder leaf beatle
Stamford Community Woodland tree guard removal
Stamford Community Woodland tree guard removal
Stamford Farm hedge aftercare
Stamford Farm hedge aftercare
Stamford Farm hedge aftercare
Tatton Estate tree aftercare
Woodheys balsam removal & hedge aftercare
Woodheys Norway maple removal
Sulphur Tuft
Sulphur Tuft
Sulphur Tuft
Sulphur Tuft
Common earthball
Rhododendron removal
Pale Tussock Moth caterpillar
White Oak Covert rhodie before clearing
White Oak Covert rhodie after clearing
White Oak Xmas
White Oak rhodie burn
White Oak Covert rhodie area cleared
White Oak Covert rhodie pile
White Oak Covert camp dismantle & removal
White Oak Covert rhodie removal
White Oak Covert lunch
White Oak Covert rhodie removal
Yew Tree Farm tree aftercare
Yew Tree farm hedge before aftercare
Yew Tree farm hedge post aftercare
Yew Tree Farm pond planting
Yew Tree Farm tree guard removal
Yew Tree farm collected tree guards