Trafford Wildlife

Make A Difference In Your Environment Today

Trafford Wildlife is the latest evolution of a group of volunteers that have actively supported improvement to wildlife reserves in the Trafford area since the 1970's.  We run a number of practical tasks throughout the year mostly in the Trafford area. Our aim is to carry out and promote practical conservation in the local area.
We are currently running litterpicking tasks 10-12 most Mondays, some weekend days and nature conservation tasks most Wednesdays & Fridays 10am to about 3pm. We have a monthly conservation task on the second Sunday (usually) of each month 10-3.
During the winter season we are removing invasive rhododendron, scrub birch, Norway maple and willow. This requires no prior experience, just the ability to ignore the occasional rain shower and to get stuck in. In the transition period from winter to spring we are working on tree planting and tree guard aftercare, removing/replacing plastic tree guards, clearing mulch from around saplings, all to allow the saplings improved survival rate and growth. This activity also reduces the amount of plastic in the natural environment. During the summer season we are removing invasive Himalayan balsam, which, once removed enables indigenous plants such as hogweed, bramble and nettle to provide a more varied food store for wildlife. In addition, balsam tends to invade river banks and the tiny root structure leaves river banks open to excessive erosion.
Our Sunday tasks are communicated through an email list. Our weekday tasks are communicated through Trafford Wildlife Facebook and Trafford Wildlife WhatsApp. To hear about weekday tasks put a friend request through Trafford Wildlife Facebook and for WhatsApp drop us a line through this website JOIN US page. To go onto the Sunday tasks email list drop us a line through the 'JOIN US' page indicating weekdays or Sunday interest - or both!

About Us image

Please confirm if available for tasks on weekdays only or Sundays only (or both!).

Dr Jennifer Wood


I graduated from Salford University in 2006 with a degree in Wildlife and Practical Conservation .I became involved in the Cheshire Wildlife Trust and l served as a Trustee for 3 years. I have been involved with conservation in Trafford for many years and believe conservation is particularly precious in urban areas so that people can engage with green areas in their own neighbourhood.

David Reeves

Task Co-ordinator, Treasurer & Task Leader

I have been actively working on nature conservation in Trafford for 25 years. I am a volunteer and member of several local organisations, including the National Trust, Cheshire Wildlife Trust North Group and Altrincham Naturalists, as well as Trafford Wildlife. I co-ordinate the conservation work across the reserves looked after by Trafford Wildlife.

Geoff Densham

Secretary & Task Leader

I've been volunteering with nature conservation organisations for much of my life and I'm a strong believer that our limited nature areas in Trafford need protecting and nurturing. Volunteering on Nature reserves is enjoyable and beneficial to mental health.

Andrew Lewis

Task Leader

Geoff Little

Task Leader

Having long been keen on walking in the countryside, I have in relatively recent years come to learn more about birdlife and have gained an interest in bird photography. In turn I've developed a greater awareness of the impact on wildlife of changes in habitat, and I see appropriate environmental initiatives as increasingly important. I find that Trafford Wildlife provides a great opportunity to make some contribution to nature conservation in our local area.

Harvey Bell

Task Leader

My first experience of conservation was on a National Trust Acorn camp at age eighteen and later with BCTV, now I'm retired I've more time to give back to nature doing important work with Trafford Wildlife in a social and constructive environment.

Janet Turnbull

Task Leader

Since my career in education came to an end in 2011 I have been able to expand my interest in the natural world and have enjoyed working with The Conservation Volunteers and latterly with Trafford Wildlife. I am a member of Butterfly Conservation, the RSPB and National Trust, all of which seek to promote and protect our wildlife and heritage. I am also a keen photographer and belong to the Nature group of the Royal Photographic Society. I look forward to helping to introduce other people to the joys of nature and conservation.

Jon Banwell

Task Leader

Since retiring from working in social care I have become increasingly involved as a volunteer with Trafford Wildlife. I am keen to develop my knowledge and understanding of conservation and enjoy getting involved in the various projects throughout the year.

Julie Johnson

Timperley Tidiers Leader

I have been a member of Timperley Tidiers litter picking group for quite a few years and helped organised the bigger litter picks and Facebook page and before that have been doing solo litter picks around the village. I'm taking over as leader of the group now and looking forward to getting involved in the various projects when I'm able to. I work in a local primary school and I enjoy cycling in my spare time.

Maura Baker

Task Leader

I have been interested in wildlife and conservation for many years, supporting groups such as the National Trust and WWT. I am a keen walker and enjoy the outdoors. Since retiring from full time work I have been involved as a volunteer with conservation projects run by Trafford Wildlife.

Paul Collins

Task Leader

A keen walker and cyclist all my life, since retiring in 2016 I have been a conservation volunteer with the National Trust at Dunham Massey, Quarry Bank Mill and Trafford Wildlife. I like to do my bit to help maintain and grow our natural environment, landscapes and wildlife. Just as importantly, I enjoy being part of a team and having a good time with friends in the countryside.

Simon Power

Task Leader

I have been interested in the natural world for as long as I can remember and having been fortunate enough to retire early from the NHS in 2022, I have since had the opportunity to spend more of my time outdoors. I am a keen walker and birdwatcher and as such I am acutely aware of the threats that face wildlife, both locally and across the world. Yet whilst global conservation issues may often feel out of our hands, local issues need not and working with Trafford Wildlife has provided me with a way to engage with conservation matters close to home. This is good for wildlife but also good for us.

Birch Moss covert (SBI)

Nature reserve on peaty soil with remnant of lyng (heather).

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Black Moss Covert (SBI)

Deciduous woodland found on a peat mossland

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Bow Green Farm - John o Jerusalem woodland

A wet woodland close to the River Bollin.

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Brookheys Covert (SSSI & Ancient Woodland)

Ancient woodland with a large number of bird species

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Firs Wood (LNR)

A Trafford Local Nature Reserve mostly wet woodland.

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Rewilded former farmland.

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Hogswood Covert (SBI & Ancient Woodland)

Damp deciduous woodland that contains several ponds & a rich ground flora

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Weekly litterpicks in Sale West, Banky Lane, Woodcote Lane & others have cleared many 100's of bags of mostly plastic litter that would otherwise enter the natural environment. The bags are reported to One Trafford Partnership for removal.

Little Bollington

An area of deciduous woodland and adjacent farmland planted with new hedgerows.

Seamons Moss Covert

Broadleaved plantation of mostly American red oak

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Sinderland Green Covert (SBI)

Broadleaved woodland plantation with 32 species of bird recorded.

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White Oak Covert (SBI)

Broadleaved plantation of mostly American white oak

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Willow Tit habitat project

Creating additional habitats for this small red listed bird

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Woodheys (LNR)

A Trafford Local Nature Reserve.

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Yew Tree Farm

Area of former farmland rewilded with additional pools and wildflower planting.


Bird Haunts and Nature Memories (of Carrington Moss) by T A Coward

Memories of a Cheshire Moor. First edition printed in 1922.

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Sinderland Camp

Wartime history of Sinderland area

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Carrington Moss: A Short History

The 19th, 20th - and 21st - century development of Carrington Moss

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Sinderland Corridor

The reserves of the Sinderland Brook corridor from Broadheath to Red Brook

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What other Nature related groups are there in the Trafford area?

We have partnered with (or our members have partnered) with the following:
Altrincham and District Natural History Society (AltNats) 
City of Trees (CoT)
Friends of Bowdon Bollin (FoBB)
Friends of Bridgewater Canal (FoBC)
Friends of Carrington Moss (FoCM) and Ecology Subgroup
Mersey Rivers Trust
National Trust Dunham Massey
South Manchester Conservation Volunteers (SMCV)
Save Flixton Green Belt
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)

What minimum age limits apply to volunteers on TW tasks?

This depends on the time of year, the nature of the task and the site.  As a general rule the minimum age is 16 and everyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  Most tasks involve getting wet & muddy. There may be TW tasks where under 16's may be able join.  For a specific event please email a question through the 'Join Us' page.

I'd like to make a financial donation to Trafford Wildlife to support the group's work on behalf of local wildlife. How do I do this?

Please contact us through the 'Join us' page and we will provide our account details.  Regular donations enable us to better plan our expenditure but one off donations are just as welcome.

What is the position on volunteer accident reporting?

Volunteers: Your health and safety:
Volunteering: Guidance for employers:
Accident Record Form from:
The next available Report No. is available from the Secretary at

How can I get to tasks by public transport?

The northern reserves along Sinderland Lane are currently (Mar 2025) served by the 247 bus from Altrincham Interchange as far as the Whitehouse Lane turn off from Sinderland Lane.  The southern reserves near Dunham Massey are served by the 280 bus starting from Altrincham Interchange.  Birch Moss Covert is also served by the 5, 247 & 255  buses but is a longer walk down Isherwood Road/Birch Road.  Firs Wood is served by the 249 bus.

For Birch Moss covert alight from 247 just to the east of Birch Road. From the north alight from 5/247/255 at Ackers Lane, walk down Ackers Lane, through to Isherwood Road and down past the Man United training ground to Birch Moss Covert.
For Brookheyes/Hogswood alight from 247 by Dark Lane opposite Whitehouse Lane. Walk north along Dark Lane and turn right over a style into Brookheyes then onto Hogswood.
For Sinderland Green alight from 247 just after Sinderland Chapel & walk back to Sinderland Road junction walking north up Sinderland Road track to Sinderland Green covert.
Henshall Lane -  is a challenge!
For Dunham Massey car park alight from 280 by Dunham Massey entrance by car park.
For Firs Wood alight from 249 at the Brigadier Public House

For John of Jerusalem woodland in Bowdon take the 287 service alight at the Bow lane Oakwood Lane junction.

For Tatton Estate take the train to Ashley and walk/cycle via the Lamb Lane entrance